Thursday, February 16, 2012

Very Belated Christmas Gifts Posts

I almost always make handmade gifts for my family. I'm not a big shopper, and I can't really buy them anything particularly meaningful, anyways. This year, I made everyone embroidery art. I didn't have a chance to take any photos before I gave them to my family, but they were able to take pictures for me. It's a bit belated, but I wanted to share the pieces I did, because they're pretty cool, I dare say.

For my relatives with pets, I made little humorous pet portraits, like this one of my sister's cat:

For my mom, I created this portrait of our family dog:

I based that piece on this picture:
As you can see, the family dog doesn't usually wear a bow tie.

Here's the one I made for my dad:
Fiendly Froglips is the bird's name. She used to be my bird when I was teenager, but I couldn't take her with when I went to college. She fell in love with my dad, and I'm pretty sure that she thinks he's her mate. The two of them hang out together, eating corn chips, drinking beer and starting internet fights on poker playing sites.

My youngest sister doesn't really have a pet of her own. I still wanted to create something meaningful for her, so I made a portrait of us three sisters together:
I created it from this picture we took while on a cruise with my grandma:

The funny one below is my uncle's giblet-headed dogs:

I couldn't find any good pictures of my aunt's cats, so I took this well known picture:
And made an embroidered piece with my aunt's favorite color:

I gave three more this year, but unfortunately I don't have any pictures. For my grandparents, I printed their wedding photo on a piece of printable fabric and embroidered embellishments over it. For my grandmother on my mom's side, I created a n embroidery of a Bichon puppy with a little bow. And for a close family friend, I created a portrait of his two golden retrievers wearing top hats, monocles and bow ties. If I get hold of photos, I'll post them.

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