Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Love is a Birdlefield

Lovebirds, or Love is a Birdlefield, was completed in an afternoon. It's a pretty simple pattern from Jenny Hart's Sublime Stitching. I put in a stupid caption because I happened to be flipping through records and I saw a Pat Benatar album. It's lame, and puns are for jerks, but I did it anyways.  I give it a 6 out of 10, mostly for the pun.

First Post

I'm starting a blog, just like every other dickhead out there. As one can imagine, there will be photos of my cat, links to things I like, descriptions of craft projects, tirades about things I don't like, lengthy discussions of dresses I wear, and probably some Simpsons quotes. Definitely some Simpsons quotes.

I suppose with that, I'll leave a Homer Simpson quote: 
"Lisa! Come back before everyone finds out what a horrible father I am!"