Thursday, July 28, 2011

Morrissey Fan Art I've Come Across

While doing some, ahem, research for PiquedMag's Morrissey with Cats Blingee contest, I came across some charming Morrissey fan art that needs to be more widely shared.

Bherd Studio's Say It Don't Spray It
Morrissey from funrama on DeviantArt
Saint Morrissey from ivyascending on DeviantArt

Tom Burrey Tattoo - Better than a framed painting

morrissey growned up from juju-beanz on DeviantArt
Zombie Morrissey by Tattooed Boy
Not quite fan art, but close enough
I think my next embroidery project is going to be a Moz portrait.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Futurama Fan Art is the Best

Via Comedy Central Insider
This tattoo is amazing. It reminds me of the tattoo in progress on my side of the original Barbie as Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Morrissey with Cats Blingees

I combined my two greatest loves. Check out my contest on Piqued Mag. It's sure to make your panties wet, if you're cat lady and a Morrissey fan.

The Cat Changes Everything

Via Picture is Unrelated

This picture describes my life before I adopted my little black cat.

Hear, hear!

So much truth.